Episode 14 - Adventures In Babysitting
A thrilling Adventure in Podcasting today, as Jon and Ali hit this episode with all the trivia bombs a cursory scan of Wikipedia can provide. Ali can't leave the podcast without singing the blues. Jon is a dead ringer for this month's centerfold. The whole thing takes longer to record than Berlin Alexanderplatz, but is only maybe half as funny.
Adventures In Babysitting was released in 1987, and directed by Amerigo Vespucci, and written by someone Jon is too lazy to learn about. It stars, Elisabeth Shue, Keith Coogan, the guy from Rent, a Human Skull, Tom Noonan's brother, a really adorable little girl, and the God of Thunder in an Edgar Suit.
We whine for money again in this one, apparently. Maybe we should just start a Patreon or maybe sell pencils from a tin cup. Or you could buy the movie by clicking on the picture below...
This was the weirdest Daredevil prequel ever.