Episode 68 - Fast Times At Ridgemont High

It was either this or Phoebe Cates and we're only SO explicit on this podcast.

My times at Ridgemont Hight? Fast.

Ugh. What even are we doing here?

Anyway, Ali shows Jon Fast Times At Ridgemont High, a movie that seems almost impossible for him to have missed, but life is strange that way. Will Jon be able to make room in his heart for a non-Johnny Dangerously Amy Heckerling film? Will Ali be able to compete with the raw sexuality of Judge Reinhold? Will either be able to stay on topic for more than a few minutes without any notes? Also, will our listeners ever enjoy honeydew melon again? These answers and more may or may not be answered in this hot mess we dare call a podcast episode.

From Wikipedia: Vic Damone (born Vito Rocco Farinola; June 12, 1928 – February 11, 2018) was an American traditional pop and big band singer and actor. He was best known for his performances of songs such as the number one hit "You're Breaking My Heart", and other hits such as "On the Street Where You Live" (from My Fair Lady) and "I Have But One Heart". You’ll need to know this. You will be tested later.

Episode 67 - Dune

Level 3 Guild Navigator, Or Eraserhead's Baby Done Grown Up

(1984), that is. Jon shows Ali why the spice must flow in this cult classic directed by the late, great David Lynch. Ali learns how to ride a Maker. Jon learns his name is a killing word. Both learn they must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. They will face their fear. They will permit it to pass over them and through them. And when it has gone past, they will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only they will remain. Oh, and Sting is in this.

Episode 66 - The Heavenly Kid

Two dirtbags drinking beer in purgatory

Hey! We’re back! Keeping the streak sort of alive! This time, it’s Ali showing Jon a movie he mainly knew from comic book ads, 1985’s The Heavenly Kid, starring a bunch of people no one knows and also Jane Kaczmarek and Richard Mulligan! Jon wants to know why everyone in the “late” sixties looks like American Graffiti. Ali wants to know why that kid has a huge bruise on his ass. Both of them are sucking on chili dogs outside the Tastee Freeze! Also, Jon earns us our explicit tag by saying “fuck” like 15 times in the first two minutes of the podcast, so turn your headphones off and let your kids learn a new word!

Episode 65 - Batman

The disturbing parade in Batman 89 that is the most Tim Burton thing ever.

This week Ali and Jon look back at Tim Burton’s Batman (1989), the movie that made Robert Wuhl a star(li$$)! It also stars Jack Nicholson, Kim Basinger, William December Williams, Pat Hingle, Michael Gough, Tracey Walter, Jack Palance, and a little surprise actor returning to MMIS after a long hiatus.

Ali can’t remember as much of this movie as she thought. Jon can’t remember Kevin Conroy’s name to save his life. Both might dance with the devil in the pale moonlight by the time this extra-long, extra-meandering episode is over. Can you believe a podcast co-hosted by a 48 year old nerd could talk (mostly) about Batman for two hours? Shocking right? Take this one in pieces if you must, but take it.

Episode 64 - Night Shift

Jon shows Ali Ron Howard’s kind of de facto debut as a director, if you don’t count some movie from the 70s that I sure don’t because I’m capricious! That’s right, it’s 1982’s Night Shift, which is the de facto debut of Michael Keaton in a starring role, a rare movie lead for Henry WInkler, and Shelley Long’s paycheck between Caveman and Cheers! Jon wonders if The Belz being in this puts it in the Munchiverse. Ali wonders if Jon stole his entire personality from Billy Blaze. They both wonder if that really is what friends are for. Answers to none of these can be found in this episode!

Episode 63 - Mr. Mom

Michael Keaton, The Late Great Teri Garr, the future Andrew Schillinger, a future Critical Role guy, Someone Jon Vaguely Recognized But When He Looked Her Up Wasn't Really In Much He Saw, and AHHHHHHH! GENE PARMESAN!

This week’s Michael Keaton movie is 1983’s Mr. Mom, a movie that dares to ask the question “What if a man had to do literally anything to take care of the house and the children?” Jon gets hung up on the almost forgotten phenomenon of Ann Jillian. Ali gets subtly irritated by how much credit Jon takes for being a stay at home dad. They both really miss Teri Garr.

This episode was a BEAR on the recording side due to trying to make it better, but despite a few interruptions, it ends up being one of our top 63 episodes!

Also, Jon just realized he forgot to say that the younger boy on this grew up to be one of the Critical Role guys.

Oh, and may Teri Garr’s memory be a blessing.

Episode 61 - The Sure Thing

Oh lord. We’re back. We miss anything in the last two years? That’s rhetorical. These are show notes.

Anyway, Ali shows Jon Rob Reiner’s follow up to This Is Spinal Tap and dry run for When Harry Met Sally, 1985’s The Sure Thing. Ali doesn’t believe Tim Robbins’ character is queer coded. Jon doesn’t believe the range of mid-80’s Anthony Edwards. Neither of them believe they still have a podcasting website after all this time!

Episode 60 - The Squeeze

This is half a stegosaurus made of wires and old TV's. It's in the movie. Honest.

Looks like another hiatus is over for at least a week, because the Bickersons are back again and if not better than ever, at least not appreciably worse! This one focuses on a movie from 1987 starring Michael Keaton and Rae Dawn Chong! And also Joey Pants and Meat Loaf! And probably more but I spent so long on the sound after procrastinating that I just want to put this up! Ali is skip tracing Jon. Jon wonders if his eye was twitching. Both are hoping their number comes up, but not in the bad way! OH I JUST REMEMBERED JOHN DAVIDSON IS IN THIS IN A SMALL ROLE WHY IS THAT IN CAPS WHO CARES JUST LISTEN

Episode 56 - Big Business

big business.jpg

This week, Ali shows Jon the greatest 80s French farce. And after they get done watching Noises Off, they watch 1988’s Big Business, directed by Jim Abrahams and starring Lily Tomlin, Bette Midler, Lily Tomlin, and Bette Midler! Ali’s a city mouse! Jon’s a country mouse! Both are trapped in a world they never made! Like Howard the Duck, who is not mentioned in the episode even once! Not sure why I’m bringing him up! I should go to bed!

Big Business also stars Fred Ward, Michael and Mary Gross, Edward Hermann, Michele Placido, and SO MANY MORE PEOPLE I DON’T FEEL LIKE GOOGLING! GOOD NIGHT!

PS: At one point I (Jon) call the creator of Garfield “Jim Abrams.” This was actually the name of my best friend in 3rd Grade. I have no excuse. I wasn’t tired then.

Episode 54 - Willow


Jon introduces Ali to a world of epic whimsy with 1988’s Willow, a movie that could best be described as “Asylum Pictures Presents: Lord of the Rings.” Ali just wants to get out of her crow cage. Jon stole the baby. Both are a raging Eborsisk of nostalgia.

Willow was directed by Ron Howard and stars Wicket, Iceman, and a cast of dozens (including a surprisingly non-dirtbag Gavan O’Herlihy!

Episode 53 - Working Girl

Ok, look: it turns out it’s very hard to get your stuff together during a pandemic, even if you’re both in the same house. Anyway, we finally recorded an episode! And it’s Working Girl, from 1988, directed by Mike Nichols and starring Melanie Griffith, Harrison Ford, Sigourney Weaver, and a bunch of other great people! Seriously, a stacked cast. But was it worth it? Jon is terrified to find out. Ali is terrified this one will once again be longer than the movie. Both are making no promises when #54 finally comes out!

Episode 52 - Robocop


Can you, fly Ali?

This episode, Jon shows Ali the classic 1987 action movie/social satire Robocop, directed by Paul Verhoeven. Ali enjoys a rousing game of NUKEM! Jon buys that for a dollar. But will they be able to overcome Directive Four? Either way, dead or alive, you’re coming with them.

Robocop stars Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Red from that 70s Show, Sol Gann, Albert from Twin Peaks, Leeza Gibbons, Ronny Cox, and so many more character actors!

Episode 51 - St. Elmo's Fire


In a fitting tribute to the largely plotless ambling of 1985’s St. Elmo’s Fire, Ali and Jon spend a tremendous amount of time not really talking about anything at all, but they look good doing it. Ali walks right into a terrible joke at the beginning, Jon walks a fine line by making it. Both play some sweaty saxophone solo because it’s a Schumacher movie.

St. Elmo’s Fire was indeed directed and co-written by Joel Schumacher, and stars most of the core of the Brat Pack, plus poor Mare Winningham. OH, AND MARTIN BALSAM AND DICK VAN PATTEN’S SISTER!

Episode 50 - Zero Hour!/Airplane!


Surely this can’t be our 50th Episode? Insert Dadjoke here, while we take the liberty of monkeying with our format mildly to talk about the relationship between the 1957 Canada-centric thriller Zero Hour! and 1980’s disaster spoof Airplane! Will Ali make it 10 minutes without starting to quote the movie? Can Jon set their past aside and talk her down? Can either find someone who can not only fly this plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner? Yes, but that’s not important right now. They have a pod to cast.